social sculpture

If you are a social sculpture practitioner you know, that everything that you think and do is sculpting. Even if you eat or speak it is sculpting. So, honestly it makes no sense to differenciate between social sculpture and other stuff like drawings, photographs, etc. But if you are not familiar with social sculpture it may be helpful to see some work which I mark explicitly as social sculpture.


„RED.“ is a powerful participary installation to raise awareness for the social and cultural implications of the color red. What does this color represent? Which emotions? Which preassumptions and gender stereotypes may lay under the surface? Who benefits from the implications, who could be disadvantaged or even harmed?

RED. first took place at the „Die Angst vor der Freiheit“ event (Berlin, 2018), hosted by Kultur-Komplizen and Unternehmensdemokraten (within the co-project priomy – principles of autonomy).  RED. is a mobile installation, which can be used for any dialogue process within the context of diversity, racism and/or feminism, either for NGOs, organisations or companies.

RED. can also be used online for workshops, conferences, etc. Please contact me if you want to use it for your project.


borders and fences

Some time ago borders and fences within my surrounding area caught my attention. Within a radius of roughly 2 kilometers I encountered a high density of these creatures and I asked myself: Am I supposed to cross these creatures which I see as borders? Obviously it has something to do with property, protection and some kind of fear. So, voilà, I took a series of 100 photographs, played them in a loop on a beamer screen for myself and my first impressions were: depressing, feeling unwell and kind of a burden.

I wondered if others would feel the same as I did. So I decided to combine the photo loop with a dialogue forum. A first forum took place in Tübingen (Werkstadthaus, 2017) as part of the urban development of the French Quarter.

The photo loop can also be used as an initial dialogue for questions about any kind of borders or fences i.e. in corporate contexts to raise awareness for crossfunctional work.

borders and fences can also be used online for workshops, conferences, etc. Please contact me if you want to use it for your project.




walk of uncertainty

I am short-sighted, so I do not really fit into a world which eagers for hi-res pictures and body perfection. If you wear glasses or lenses, too, you’ll know what I mean. The feeling of incompleteness when you take off the glasses and everything in front of your eyes becomes blurred and fuzzy.

Nevertheless, I like this feeling, that’s why I like to take a walk of uncertainty every now and then, even in twilight. Do you feel like taking such a walk and see what kind of questions will arise from it? If you like, I will accompany you.

Please contact me if you want to use it for your project.


écriture automatique

écriture automatique is an aesthetic practice invented by André Breton, a french poet and writer. He is known as member of the Dada-Group and Founder of the surealism movement. With écriture automatique you can set your mind loose and free – write without bounderies, without control and step away from your rationality.

During the event „Keine Angst vor der Freiheit“ (s.a., Berlin, 2018) a little cubicle of 5 qm served as a slow down space to set a balance to the structured lectures and workshops.

This kind of space can be used for workshops and followed by a dialogue.

Online: écriture automatique can also be used online for workshops, conferences, etc. Please contact me if you want to use it for your project.


earth forum

earth forum is an aesthetic practice invented by Shelley Sacks, social sculpture practitioner, emer. Prof. of the social sculpture research unit at Oxford Brookes University and former student of Joseph Beuys.

Earth forum is a 4-phased process and combines the individual with the collective views on sustainability and climate change. As social sculpture practitioner I use earth forum to initiate dialogue-orientated transformation processes.

Earth Forum can also be used for hybrid workshops. Please contact me if you want to use it for your project.